Custom Countdowns & MySpace Layouts

Friday, October 2, 2009

Off to Vietnam--one year ago!

I woke up this morning and remembered that one year ago today, I was FINALLY off to Vietnam to meet my son for the very first time! I CANNOT believe it's already been a year! Time has really flown by!
I can still remember the butterflies in my stomach as I boarded the plane...leaning over to Angela and saying, "here we go!!"
The 3am wake up--in the air on our way to Hong Kong--with someone saying to me, "You want noodles?" and me smiling and saying, "No Thank You" but really thinking, "Can you please refrain from waking me up to eat something every hour on the hour?"
But the ultimate--when we landed in Vietnam--the complete unnerving anxiousness--
the throngs 'o' people that met us in the airport yelling something or another, and as the masses parted, finally seeing that small white sign that read, "Dillon".
Oh sweet Jesus, that sign...and the smiling little Vietnamese face that met my freaked out smirk! What a site I was! The 2 days worth of airplane muck on me--the icky nasty hair on my head...and the complete look of terror on my face! I wish I had a picture of me as I stepped off the plane! hahaha!

What a wonderful year it's been...complete bliss!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Great description! It took me right back to the airport in HCMC! Congrat on a great year!